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The Electric Sounds of Caitlin De Ville

Caitlin De Ville is a Zambian electric violinist known for her hip-swaying and feet-stomping covers of pop music occasionally shot in various African locations. YouTube has been an instrumental stage for her music to gain worldwide recognition, paving the way for live performances around the world in 27 countries and five continents. Her YouTube numbers indeed speak for the popularity of her channel: 285,000 subscribers and 74 million views since she joined in March 2009.

Caitlin’s impassioned performances, whether of covers or original, has earned her rave reviews. It’s impossible to listen to her stringed rendition of pop songs and not be literally moved. And with her fashionable and on-trend taste in clothing, it’s also impossible not to feel like she has come to do a photoshoot and play the violin on the side. But if you look past her billowy skirts, and listen closely to an electric violin’s take on popular songs, Caitlin’s channel is a violin lover’s must-see.

Caitlin also shares her original compositions, in studio covers, and her dynamic performances on stage, as well as her vlogs of “nothing in particular,” occasionally taking viewers into the behind-the-scenes of her shoots. In a case of imitation being the highest form of flattery, Caitlin also features in her channel other performers’ covers of her originals.

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