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For many, Black Friday this year means spending more time on our phones and computers online shopping rather than shopping in physical stores. In the time of a pandemic, our personal well-being is more important than ever before.

If you’re searching for fair trade certified, Non-GMO, organic hair, skin and body products for men, women and children, look no further than Alaffia. “A state of peace, health and well-being”: that is the definition of “Alaffia,” and the meaning could not be more fitting for a company whose mission is to provide equality, fair-trade, sustainable living and other positive, life-altering causes for those who economically disadvantaged. With a wide range of beauty and self-care products, from their Everyday Coconut Vegan Lip Balm to their Allure Best of Beauty 2020 Award-Winning Everyday Shea Bubble Bath, you are sure to find a product for every person on your list this Black Friday.

In 1996 Olowo-n’djo Tchala from Togo, West Africa and Prairie Rose Hyde from Olympia, Washington met while Hyde was visiting Togo during a Peace Corps trip. They quickly fell in love, and just a couple of years later, Tchala moved to the United States so they could be together. In 2003, Alaffia emerged, due to Founder and CEO Tchala making meaningful moves, both with the business and philanthropically as well.

From the beginning, Tchala has been tirelessly devoted to building Alaffia into a company that focuses on fair trade. They are ECOCERT certified, which means that the company has made it a priority to pay 15%-25% above market price for their product supply in order for those in economically disadvantaged countries to receive a higher portion of sales based on the consumer’s prices and purchases. As stated on their website, ”Fair trade certification ensures producers in economically disadvantaged countries receive a greater percentage of the price paid by consumers.”

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Images from Alaffia via Alaffia and @Alaffia

With their own non-profit, the Alaffia Foundation, Alaffia has contributed to improving maternal care, healthcare, education and Africa’s environmental needs. What is so impressive about Tchala’s success is that he and his company are so selflessly devoted to giving back to the community from which he came. All the more reason to share Alaffia’s award-winning hair and body products and their mission with family and friends this season.

This Black Friday, consider sharing and shopping Black-owned with Alaffia. With many Black-owned businesses being disproportionately affected during this pandemic, let’s make it our mission to support, especially those who recognize and give back to the underprivileged and impoverished. Whether you’re looking for hair, skin, body or children’s personal care products, you will find something for everyone on your list at Alaffia.


Recommend a Black-Owned Business

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