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In a time where mask-wearing is now the norm, many people are suddenly finding themselves facing skincare issues that may not have been a concern for them before, due to constant mask-wearing. Personal and beauty care items are always quite popular for gifting during the holiday season so you can never really go wrong, but this year they may be of more importance.

Black female entrepreneurship is on the rise, and it’s always inspiring to watch Black-owned businesses flourish and succeed. With Black Friday around the corner, let’s shine the spotlight on one of these Black-owned beauty companies.

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Images from Nekawa via Nekawa and @nekawabeauty


Nekawa Beauty is a Black female entrepreneur-owned company that produces organic Shea Butter products for hair and face. “Choice, immaculate or pure” — That is the definition of the word, Nekawa, in Swahili, which also spells “awaken” when written backwards. Nekawa Beauty was originally founded by two friends, Awa Diaw and Chelsea Trotter, who are both MBA graduates from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.

The beauty company was created while the two were attending Business School. The idea for Nekawa initially stemmed from Diaw’s small side business of selling Shea Butter and Baobab products originating from Senegal, West Africa, her place of birth. In 2018, Diaw and Trotter participated together in the Clapp IDEA Competition, a competition established by IU’s Kelley School of Business. Deservedly, they won the $15,000 prize that was awarded to them, and they decided to continue pursuing their passion: creating African-inspired natural, organic, un-refined hair and skincare products.

As a child growing up in Senegal and later moving to Harlem, New York, Diaw’s mother and grandmother would use pure, natural ingredients such as Shea Butter and Baobab to style and take care of her hair and skin. Naturally, this is where Diaw discovered her inspiration.

All of Nekawa Beauty’s ingredients are organic and unrefined. Their most popular product, Nekawa Butter, is made of Shea Butter and essential oils. Shea Butter is an amazing product that has multiple uses. It’s great for moisturizing the skin, reducing symptoms of skin conditions such as dry skin and Eczema, moisturizing and styling hair, and more; the list is virtually endless.

A portion of Nekawa’s proceeds are given to Amref Health Africa, a non-profit whose mission is to help train and improve the skills of healthcare workers so that they are able to provide the best healthcare possible to the entire African continent. Consider shopping at Nekawa Beauty this Black Friday, and support a Black-owned beauty business who also takes pride in giving back to the community.


Recommend a Black-Owned Business

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