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African Food Bloggers We Love

African food in its diversity, uniqueness, and colorfulness gives a thrill beyond any imagination. Every African food blogger must make it a point to capture the cultural beauty behind these meals in their recipes and blog posts. They make our mouths water by employing photographic techniques with highly defined images that highlight every detail.

Food blogs are wonderful go-to places for anyone who is interested in preparing various meals or adding some creativity to what you already know. African food bloggers make that possible. They make you feel at home away from home with the amazing way they describe meals and how they can be prepared. Some meals look so good that we feel like eating them right off the screen of our phones or PC. Even if this is impossible, authentic recipes and videos from these blogs inspire and inform us to prepare a variety of meals and different garnishing techniques.

Some African food bloggers we love include:

Kaluhi Adagala is the brainchild of Kaluhi Adagala, a finance major graduate who loves to cook and experiment with food she sees food as a “creative medium” via which she brings joy to those around her. She is Kenyan and her blog is typically for Kenyan food. She encourages her readers to try different meals with a recipe list she put together. Her recipes are simple and easy to get around. Her creativity is one to be applauded and we love her for it.

She once ranked in the top 30 international food bloggers. Garlic, black pepper, salt, lemon, and coriander are five ingredients that she cannot do without. She has so far proved true to her watchword by spreading love and giving life via food.

Ronke Edoho

Ronke is the mastermind behind She basically features Nigerian food recipes that promote a healthy lifestyle. Like many food bloggers, she loves cooking and uses her blog as a means of inspiring other women to become a home cook like herself.

Ronke is a chartered accountant and a nutrition &clinical weight loss specialist. Traditional Nigerian meals are her area of expertise. She strives to make complicated meals look uncomplicated by employing simple measures. We follow her loyally as she never fails to inspire us.

Joana Yeboah-Acheampong

Joana is a professional civil engineer who was born in Accra, Ghana but presently lives in the United Kingdom. Aftrad Village Kitchen is her idea and perfectly resonates her passion for everything food. She uses her blog as a medium to pass on knowledge and to share some traditional recipes. She majorly concentrates on Ghanaian dishes or meals with a Ghanaian origin.

One thing we appreciate Joana for is her endeavor to assist those who are seeking to reconnect with their African roots, to not lose their identity. Our culture as we well know defines us and that is what Joana never fails to capture with her meals.

Nma Okpara

Nma, The Nigerian Lazy Chef, considers cooking, an art. She showcases African culinary culture and develops her own recipes which she believes make cooking easier while never losing sight of cultural effects. She is Nigerian and most of her cooking spells the Nigerian culture.

Nma has the “lazy” tag because she possesses a lazy streak especially when it comes to cooking, during earlier times. She herself said that when it came to cooking, her laziness “superseded epic proportions”. Some of us who are lazy are made hopeful when we look at Nma. She makes things so simple anyway, so no stress.

Tuleka Prah

Tuleka is a Ph.D. graduate and filmmaker who resides and works in Berlin but has African roots with her Ghanaian father and South African mother. She loves food and travel and thus, uses every opportunity to travel and film meals as they are made in different countries. Her blog is named My African Food Map. Tuleka simply visits an African country, find out four of their most popular meals, have them prepared in her presence, take pictures of the finished meal, and posts recipes for others to use.

One thing we learn from Tuleka is the need to always be on the lookout for various meals and methods of preparation when we visit places. There’s always something new to learn as there are different methods for preparing one meal. Tuleka takes us on some of such trips without leaving the comforts of our home. How could we not love her!


Immaculate Bites, a blog by Imma, is a perfect stop if you are looking to create exquisite meals at your home. Imma is a mother, a wife, a cookbook collector, an instructor, and a wanna-be athlete (now that’s amusing). She is based in Los Angeles and is open to diverse cultures which makes it possible for her to try her hands on different foods. Her blog opens the world’s eye to the African culture. Cooking is her passion and she passionately shares her recipes with her readers and viewers.

Her differently flavored puff puffs are to die for. From the chocolate to the banana flavored, even the “coconutty”.

Freda Muyambo

Freedes as Freda Muyambo is called is the owner of My Burnt Orange, a food blog. She started out by wanting to bring to the limelight what was shrouded in darkness, that is, the African cuisine. She was born in Botswana. She promotes the positivity of the African culture through food. As a mother, she tries to balance her responsibilities with blogging and has proven quite successful at that. She very well utilizes videos as a method of instructing her viewers. This makes it easier to follow up on recipes as we get to see her do what she has stated in writing.

There are lots and lots of African food bloggers to be admired for their simple recipes that enable readers or even visitors to an African country find it easy to prepare local meals. African food bloggers have made cooking much easier as they try to find local substitutes for ingredients that are otherwise difficult to find. Not to forget is the fact that sometime before now, it was difficult to get an uncomplicated meal recipe, and images accompanying them were of such low quality that they rarely motivate you to want to try it out. But with advances in technology, not only has cooking been made easier with sophisticated kitchen equipment but food blogging just took a new dimension as high-quality images are used. This motivates and inspires us to always want to try out the recipe behind such a beauty to the eye and a likely wonder to the tummy.

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