Sweet Tej: Ethiopian Honey Wine

With your own jug of Tej, Ethiopian honey wine, celebrate the history and modernization of this ancient alcoholic beverage.

Jollof Rice, A West African Staple

Jollof Rice, a one-pot rice dish popular in many West African countries, has spread to become the best known African dish outside of Africa.

12 Basic Ingredients In Most African Dishes

African cooking is full of variation and culture, there is much to discover with Africa’s delicious and varied cuisine. Here are some basic ingredients...

Look Inside an Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

Once steam emanates from the jebena, the coffee is ready. The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is another wonder in itself. Take a look at the process.

Pecan Nut Sticky Buns

Pecan Nut Sticky Buns

Gingerbread train

Gingerbread Train

Nigerian jollof

What’s Your Jollof Rice IQ? Take the JOLLOF RICE QUIZ!

Challenge your mastery with the Jollof Rice Quiz! Answer questions and find out your Jollof Rice IQ! Are you a JOLLOF…