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Black Friday in 2020 will more than likely be like one we’ve never seen. With a pandemic steadily rising and a substantial increase in online purchasing, holiday shopping from the safety and comfort of our homes will be the most conscientious (and considerate) thing we can do. With many small businesses suffering economic gloom and Black-owned businesses being impacted at a higher level, that gives us all the more reason to support Black-owned this year.

Founded by Shannette Prince, Africa On My Back is a company that was brought to life shortly after she and her teenage son took an inspirational, life-changing trip to Ghana, West Africa in 2016. After her trip, Prince returned home to Houston, Texas, bearing backpacks with bold Kente-prints, and many inquiring minds were wanting to know where she had gotten them. After several inquiries and a second trip back to Ghana, the idea for Africa On My Back was born.

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Images from Africa on My Back via Africa on My Back and @africaonmyback

Adorned with vibrant, eye-catching colors and patterns, her bags and accessories are the perfect gifts for friends and loved ones this holiday season. Carrying several sizes of backpacks, face coverings, t-shirts and totes, there is a wide variety to choose from and more than likely, you’ll find yourself having trouble doing so!

Prince is able to continue nurturing her backpack collection into a successful business and she is also able to help other small businesses in Ghana thrive and grow as well by enlisting them as suppliers. For Prince, building a strong social enterprise is important for making an impact. With each purchase made from Africa On My Back, a percentage of the proceeds go towards the Brilliant Black Boys — A non-profit organization based in Houston, that dedicates itself to empowering young African-American males by sending them to Africa so that they too can experience the life-changing gift as well.

A single mother of two boys (who she has naturally enlisted as her business partners), Prince is mindful of how important it is to teach her sons the value of owning and operating a successful business, and also of the positivity and impact that it can bring.

Shop Africa On My Back this Black Friday. Whether it be for school, work, or that trip you plan on taking after the pandemic subsides, you and your loved ones will appreciate the uniqueness and quality of each handmade, authentic African piece.


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