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Get The Full Story Behind the Movement

Directed by Aric Avelino, Behind the Movement is a fast-paced retelling of Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat and how her actions helped launch the historical Montgomery Bus Boycott. The film tells the previously untold story of how a group of everyday people were looking for a sign or a symbol; a way to move their platform forward, and once they met Rosa, decided the incident was the catalyst to take a stand. Organizing into the Montgomery Bus Boycott’s & paving the way for the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s this group of individuals came together to demand equal rights and treatment. Even if they only had a few days organize, their actions would set so much into motion, all beginning with Rosa taking a stand on that Montgomery bus. Starring Meta Golding, a rising star previously seen in her recurring role in the Hunger Games series & Surrogates, as Rosa Parks. Behind The Movement was a featured Spotlight Screening at The 26th annual Pan-African Film Festival.

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