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10 Incredible Coffee Benefits You Didn't Know About
You know coffee is good for you. At this point at least one person has touted the powers of this ‘magical bean’. Most people start their day with coffee, some people drink it throughout the day & some even love it to finish off a decadent meal. So there must be some reason we’re all so drawn to it (aside from the jolt of caffeine, of course).

Even if you don’t regularly experience the joy of your first morning java, you’ve probably seen the news periodically tout health benefits as well. Everything from Green coffee beans, to coffee based skincare & the claims it’s somewhat of a cure-all: there’s a LOT of information out there to credit coffee as a miracle beverage.

But, if you’ve ever wondered what these claims actually are & where they come from, we’ve got some research studies to back up 10 claims of coffee’s greatness. And maybe you’re just reading this to validate your obsession. Whatever the reason: Read on!
First, some great health benefits of the antioxidants found in a typical cup of coffee:
A typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than typical servings of blueberries, raspberries or oranges. Antioxidants in coffee lessen inflammation, reducing the risk of disorders related to inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
While they are found in numerous foods, coffee remains one of the most widely consumed sources of anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

Coffees from all over Africa have made it to every corner of the world. Ethiopian, Kenyan, beans from the Congo & MANY more locations are widely enjoyed all over as some of the richest & most flavorful coffees in the world.
Ethiopian Coffee was first harvested around 800BC, so Ethiopia is rightly considered the birthplace of coffee. From the three coffee-growing regions: Sidamo, Harer, and Kaffa, Ethiopian Coffee is known to be full bodied, flowery & fruity.
While Ethiopia may be the birthplace of coffee, Kenya has some of the highest coffee growing standards & many other countries, like Uganda, Burundi, Madagascar & Cote d’Ivoire are all contenders in the international coffee trade. So you have countless choices to select your perfect tasting & healthy coffee!
But what really are the health benefits to everyone’s favorite pick-me-up?

Reduces Risk of Heart Attack Mortality: Research has shown that heart attack patients who drink two cups of coffee a day can significantly decrease the risk of dying from that heart attack. (Study)
Protect Against Melanoma: The National Cancer Institute published a study that melanoma risk decreases with each cup consumed. (Study)
Soothe Sore Muscles: The Journal of Pain published a study that shows that two cups of coffee can reduce post-workout muscle pain up to 48%. (Study)
Lower Risk of MS: The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry believes through their research that coffee prevents inflammation that could lead to the development of MS. (Study)

Prevents Eye Damage: A Cornell University Study shows coffee could prevent retinal damage caused by oxidative stress. Chlorogenic acid (CLA), which is one of the strong antioxidants found in the coffee bean benefits the retina. (Study)
Increase Fiber Intake: One cup of brewed caffeinated coffee contains 1.8 grams of fiber. Recommended intake of 20-38 grams daily, every little bit helps! (Study)
Lower The Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who consumed 6 or more cups per day had a 22% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. (Study)
Protect Your Liver: Liver Cleanse? Next time you find yourself looking up the latest cleanse online, sip a cup of coffee to jumpstart your liver health! The Hepatology Journal published a study that showed both regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the drinker’s enzyme levels. (Study)

Lower Your Risk of Alzhemers: There is evidence from several studies in the European Journal of Neurology that caffeine could protect against Alzheimer’s disease. (link).
The USDA’s new 2015 dietary guidelines recommend coffee for better health: They advise that people who have 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day improve their overall health and reduce the risk of disease. However, it’s aslo true that adding sugar, cream, or flavored syrups or creamers quickly negates the potential benefit of coffee. (Study)
And of course, these claims are in studies and coffee may not be as beneficial for everyone including: people with heart conditions or pregnant women. But if all of this information has gotten you jonesing for a cup of joe, we recommend checking out some of the best African coffees:
[amazon_textlink asin=’B01GKW2HJI’ text=’Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’dawebsite2017-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c17d832c-cbef-11e7-b308-83edbc868c46′] is rich & flavorful coffee is grown on Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Meru & is considered to be some of the best in the world.
Wild & fragrant [amazon_textlink asin=’B0002VCPXM’ text=’Ethiopian Harrar Coffee’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’dawebsite2017-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’cdd2682e-cbef-11e7-80c5-eb69800c50e4′] is exotic & complex with spiciness distinct to the area
[amazon_textlink asin=’B00UCDZLYA’ text=’Kenya AA Coffee’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’dawebsite2017-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7c10fd96-cbef-11e7-8c5a-5324565324ac’], the 10th best coffee brand in the world, perhaps because the government of Kenya promotes the industry by rewarding the highest quality farmers with higher prices.
Cameroon Arabica Coffee is known for rich spicy flavors with a pleasant aroma & is endlessly popular internationally. Cameroons balanced climate contributes to the high standard & quality of their coffee.
So no matter which coffee you drink, if you’re a coffee lover you’ve got the data to back up your habit & enjoy your mornings (or afternoons or nights!) guilt free knowing all the health benefits! Bottoms up!
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