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Di Ya Wela host Jabi Matsoso shows how to make easy, Chocolate Cake Pops with an easy-to-follow recipe using using the spare off-cuts from any chocolate cake.

Behind every successful person, there is a substantial amount of chocolate.  Most people can’t imagine a life without chocolate.  Bakers often find themselves with too much chocolate.  Sometimes, they even find themselves with too much cake. So you’ve made that custom heart shaped chocolate cake for a party.  It looks great!  But now you have leftover chunks of cake cut-offs from shaping that cake. Here’s the perfect thing to do with all those cut-offs… make CAKE POPS!

I remember several years ago first hearing the term Cake Pop.  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what that could possible mean.  I had this strange image in my head about some basic frozen treat.  I could have never imagined the rich, decadent treat I discovered, a bite-sized chocolaty ball of moist and delicious cake and creamy icing mashed together, decorated with more icing, and popped right onto a lollipop stick.  They’re fascinating.  It’s probably the novelty of them being miniature cakes on a stick that is so appealing.  There’s a playfulness to them. If you’ve never had one, you have to try.

Growing up, Jabi Matsoso has learned a lot of things from her mother. Now she’s passing that knowledge on! For this recipe, Jabi Matsoso, host of the baking show Di Ya Wela, uses cake off-cuts from a custom cake she made just before. In this video, Jabi shows how to make delicious Chocolate Cake Pops (or what she calls “I DO” Popsicles) out of those cake cut-offs using a slab of chocolate and some butter cream frosting. Try out the recipe and enjoy!

“I DO” Popsicles

Di Ya Wela host Jabi Matsoso shows how to make easy, chocolate cake pops with an easy-to-follow recipe using off cuts from any chocolate cake.

  • Cake Off Cuts
  • 1 slab Chocolate (your choice)
  • Cake Decoration Sprinkles
  • Butter Cream Frosting
  • Lollipop Sticks
  1. Melt chocolate slab in double broiler.

  2. Crumble cake into bowl of melted chocolate and mix together.

  3. Shape mixture into balls and insert Lollipop Sticks.

  4. Decorate your cake pops. 

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