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Jabi shows us a perfect fresk bakes Kotas recipe.

Traditional food like Kotas are a perfect creation for the versatile and easy bread dough used in all three recipes in this episode. For this first Kota recipe, Jabi creates perfectly baked miniature buns. Filling these buns with the classic ingredients of your choice is sure to bring back memories. You won’t be able to eat just one of this indulgent treat.

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Di Ya Wela host Jabi Matsoso shows how to make versatile Kotas with fresh baked bread from scratch.

  • 3 cups cake flour
  • 1 tablespoon dried yeast
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water (lukewarm)
  1. Mix together on medium & slowly mix in water until dough forms. Knead dough of floured surface until a nice thick consistency.

  2. Cover with a cloth in a large bowl & let it rise till doubled in size. 

  3. Score the dough slowly with a sharp knife to eventually cut the dough into three pieces, roll into loaves & bake in preferred baking tin for 25 min till brown on top. Cut off tops to hollow out inside of loaf.
  4. Fill hollowed out loaf with desired ingredients, like Russian, Chili Sauce, Bologna, Sliced Potatoes, Mayo, etc. to your liking.

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