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Noodle Gnocchi
- 2 cups milk
- 2 packages instant ramen, seasoning packets reserved for another use
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp butter (we used salted butter)
- 50g mature cheddar (or whatever you have left in the fridge)
- 1 tbsp butter
- small handful of herbs from the garden (I grow sage)
Boil the milk in a small saucepan, and then remove from heat immediately.
Break up the ramen noodles and add them to the milk. Let them soften in the milk for about 1 minute. They should still be firm.
Strain the noodles, but keep the milk.
Add the noodles + 1 cup of the milk in a blender and purée for 30 seconds.
Add the egg yolks until the mixture is smooth. If it turns out still dry, keep adding more milk, 1 tablespoon at a time, to loosen it
Once well-incorporated, transfer the batter inside a piping bag fitted with a wide tip then place inside the fridge.
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Once it has reached this point, bring out the pastry bag from the fridge.
Pipe the dough out directly into the boiling water. Use a butter knife or a spatula and cut out 2cm logs as the mixture comes out of the piping bag. The cooked gnocchi will rise to the surface of the pot after a minute or so.
Scoop the gnocchi with a slotted spoon and transfer them into a greased or buttered plate. Cool the gnocchi, cover them in plastic wrap, and store them in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes.
To cook the gnocchi, heat 1 tbsp of butter over medium heat in a wide frying pan.
Wait for the butter foam to subside and add the gnocchi in batches, stirring every once in a while until they are golden brown on the surface. This takes about 3-4 minutes. Continue adding butter for the remaining batches until all of the gnocchi are golden brown.
Add chopped herbs and season. Sprinkle over grated cheese and serve immediately.