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5 Top Ethiopian Restaurants New York City Loves

Many have ventured into international culinary adventures outside the standard one-on-every-corner “authentic” places.  You have to wonder… “How many different places can I order the exact same Pad Thai?”

Maybe on that one venture out of the food adventure’s comfort zone, they were lucky enough to have a friend who knew what they were doing take them to the “best hole-in-the-wall, most authentic ____ (your-new-favorite-dish-they-promise)___ you’ll have in this whole city!”

Or maybe they just want to share the experience of eating with one’s hands and of course… injera.

So if you’ve never even TRIED Ethiopian food… and if you’re missing out (and you ARE missing out): Pass up on all 24 of the Hip New Ramen/Poke Bowls/Ramen-Poke-Fusion pop-ups & head for something truly comforting, and of course authentic at these 5 amazing NYC Ethiopian restaurants!

For the Ethiopian novice: Let’s be real, your idea of exotic is splurging for extra guac at chipotle. Sound like you? Head to Awash in the East Village (or the UWS, or Brooklyn) for a crash course in your new favorite foods. Awash is full of young staff eager to introduce newcomers to Ethiopian. Any time you go, they can direct you on your culinary adventure & you won’t regret it.

Want to skip Ethiopian 101 and head right into the fire: Try the revamped Meske. This place has had a reputation for years of being one of the most authentic Ethiopian restaurants in town.

The best place to head with a large group of friends before a broadway show? Queen of Sheba. This booming spot offers Kitfo beef (usually served raw) at medium rare or medium to accommodate newcomers & lots of great Ethiopian beers in a great atmosphere.

This. Place. Is. Amazing. Tried Ethiopian before? Thought you knew what it was all about? Order the Doro Wot and Some Honey wine with friends at  Injera in the West Village and get back to us. You will want to thank us. You don’t have to. But you’ll want to.

Finally, the mother of them all: Massawa. wether it’s serving up a mean Tsebhi (spicy curry stew) or Alitcha (slow-simmered lamb), This fixture of Morningside Heights has been doing it right for YEARS.

Are we full of it and/or missed the best one? Tell us all about it in the comments! If we feature your suggestion in an upcoming article, you’ll get some serious expert bragging rights & you may just get an article featuring your suggestion!

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