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The Grimwade Family Says Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

The Grimwade family believes that ‘teamwork makes the dream work.’ And that team is about to get bigger as baby no.5 is about to arrive, adding to the already handful but adorable kids of Tim and Ella: Heze (short for Hezekiah), Hosanna, Halle and Harper, the youngest.

The dynamic duo’s channel is filled with ‘a day in the life’ uploads of their happy gang going about their daily activities. There’s the family going out for a fun day; the two girls getting a supergirl hairstyle; and Tim in agony with a painful toothache.

Six months ago, the couple excitedly shared Ella’s pregnancy. Since then, they regularly update their channel with related birth stories of their older children, videos of their birthday celebrations, and Ella’s pregnancy status and milestones such as the gender reveal and the baby shower. Ella also started giving tutorials and how-tos a try while in her second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

As for the kids, they are home-schooled but have fun time learning with all their senses, sampling American candies, cooking Jamaican food, and baking cakes.

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