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Peach Phirni
- 1/4 cup rice
- 3 cup of milk
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 tin of KOO peach slices
- 1/2 tsp corn flour
- 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
For garnishing:
- 2 tbs sliced almonds
- Few slices of canned peaches
- Few mint leaves
Wash & soak rice after wash for about 20 minutes
Drain the water after the soak & blend the rice to fine texture adding milk as needed to make it smooth
Drain the syrup from the canned peaches, keep a few slices aside for the garnish.
Puree the remaining peaches with the corn flour in a blender & keep aside.
Boil milk on medium heat for 8 minutes & let it reduce.
Take 1/4 cup of hot milk & mix it into the rice mixture.
Add the rice paste to the boiling milk slowly & continue stirring making sure it does not burn at the bottom.
Cook until milk has reduced & rice is cooked.
Add sugar & cardamom to the mixture & continue cooking for about 4 minutes on low heat then turn off heat.
Fold in the pureed peach mixture, do not stir only fold it in & dish into little desert bowls.
Refrigerate for 2 hours & then garnish with sliced almond, peach slices & mint leaves.
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