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Di Ya Wela host Jabi Matsoso shows how to make delicious Vanilla Cupcakes using a simple and easy to follow recipe.

Thinking back, how many times have you had cupcakes?  To tell the truth, cupcakes have always reminded me of being a kid.  There’s something about a simple and delicious Vanilla Cupcakes, a personalized cake made just for you.  There’s something about the size of it compared to your little kid body.  You can almost see your little hand reaching out to the giant table before you to grab a handful of heaven.

And it’s not the smell of hot cupcakes you remember.  It’s the taste of the sugar-saturated cream icing, so soft and easy to bite through.  Then, suddenly, you hit sponge. BAM! There’s the surprise because cupcakes are wrapped in little wrappers and you’re not sure what flavor you’re getting. Chocolate, Vanilla, and sometimes other flavors.

Jabi Matsoso is the host of the show Di Ya Wela, a baking show on Demand Africa, where she demonstrates simple and easy methods to bake some of your favorite treats right in your own kitchen.  She remembers growing up and helping her mother bake in her kitchen.  She admired the talent and skill it took, as well as the discipline.

Many of the recipes Jabi bakes from are inspired by (and sometimes even made specifically for) her family.  This particular Vanilla Cupcakes recipe (she calls them “Kiss Me Quick” Cupcakes) is made with simple ingredients you probably already have in your home.  If not, a quick trip to the market will provide you with the right stuff to make these simple and delicious Vanilla Cupcakes.


Vanilla Cupcakes

Di Ya Wela host Jabi Matsoso explains how to make delicious vanilla cupcakes with a simple and easy-to-follow recipe.

Vanilla Cupcakes

  • 1 1/2 cup Flour
  • 3/4 cup Sugars
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 cup Oil
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla

Cupcake Ice Cream Frosting

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter softened
  • 3/4 cups melted ice cream
  • 3-4 cups powdered sugar

Vanilla Cupcakes

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients then add the wet.
  2. Spoon into Prepared cupcake wrappers.
  3. Bake for 25min at 355°F.

Cupcake Ice Cream Frosting

  1. Using a hand mixture in a large bowl, beat butter and ice cream until lumps is gone.
  2. Slowly beat in powdered sugar, starting with 3 cups and working up to 4 depending on the sweetness of your ice cream.

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